Thursday, January 5, 2012

an hour a day..keep the tailor away

its hot this noon...

today entry adalah pasal impian n angan2 yang akan insyaAllah menjadi realiti...passion towards sewing is higher and higher..suddenly the spirit come n sometime couldnt control them...i love might hard at the beginning but i am sure wif lots of SABAR..things will run smoothly..mane ade orang terus pandai jahit before belajarkan? yang penting usaha tu ade..
nk buat nie..utk sikecilku nuraini

my new aim is to at least sewing or do anything related to sewing  about an hour per day...this mission shud n must be complete until june 2012...buat ape2 pun..istiqomah tu penting...kena sgt berusaha sebab menjahit ni i x belajar kat universiti dulu hehehe..insyaAllah wif full support form husband n little nuraini and of cos kawan-kawan seangkatan..i will terer in jahit-menjahit things ni one day...

untuk maju kehadapan..dimana ade kemahuan disitu ade jalan...insyaAllah usaha ini diberkati oleh Nya..

will remain sewing insyaAllah

1 comment:

  1. All the best..hehe

    jgn azam jer tp make sure buat tau :P
