Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pattern Tester


few months back, if i not mistaken dalam bulan July or August macam tu, dengan kehendak Allah swt, terjumpe la post somebody kat FB pasal die nak cari tailor yang sanggup nak test pattern yang dia design secara volunteer...

Basicly, tester must sew her pattern within given time frame which is 2 weeks from the day she email the pattern to us...no fees charge and no wage will be pay to the tester also..mutual simbiosis la...
macam menarik and memang menarik pun, mula2 tu macam x confident jugak nak volunteer...al maklum lah..fresh beginner in this line...(anyway, i rate myself as fresh beginner!!). tapi, lepas tengok ramai yang volunteer, hehe volunteer la jugak...

so, after agreed with the term & cond. maka, perjuangan daku as pattern tester bermula la...

here is the first pattern tested..MOMO DRESS..thanks Alviana,owner of Popolok Design for the oppurtunity and trust.

Momo Dress..combination of pink polkadots & candy damask by michael miller


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