Saturday, December 31, 2011

blog naming

Hi there, how's ur day..i'm great here..

Entri kali ni pasal blog naming or naming the blog..actually how the blog got it name...hahaha of kos la owner die yg bagi name...hehe

Dh lame sebenarnye nk wat blog ni..cuma busy memikirkan apakah nama yang sesuai..huhuhu baruky tahu..susah jugaknye nk dapat nama yang sesuai and tepat ni..

Back to main topic sew sew suey got it name..actually, suey is apart of my name...classmate mase kat mrsm pc dulu bg nickname is first two letter of my name and ey were the last two letters of my name...look at this..SUhailEY..maka jadilah suey...

Sew pulak adalah singkatan bg menjahit in english..since this blog is about dunia, guna la this word..its become double 'sew sew' bukan kerana ape ape pun..just sound nice to hear..hihihi..

So, that is how this blog got it name...i am sure u all have ur own story also..might be nicer,mysterious or meaningful than mine...sharing is share ur story if u dont mine..can leave them on comments...;)

Happy reading

New Year New Project

Its already 31st year will come in few hours..
Rase macam cepat sgt masa berlalu, projek tahun semasa pun belum terlaksana,byk lg usaha n masa yang diperlukan..begitu terleka dengan urusan lain..yg x kurang pentingnya, terpaksa melepaskan peluang menunaikan projek yang baru nk mula nih..

Tahun 2011 terpaksa ditinggalkan..tahun baru akan bermula..insyaAllah jika tiada aral, daku ingin sekali memulakan tahun baru dengan projek yg bermanfaat..mohon pertolonganMu agar projek kebajikan ku ini berjalan dengan lancar...

Hasrat dihati, nk mulakan projek kebajikan menjahit telekung untuk masjid2 di sekitar daerah kemaman, firstly kena p belajar wat telekung dulu...pasal kain tu, insyaAllah leh guna duit gaji utk supply kain...husbandku and nuraini of kos akan turut serta membantu...nk approach kawan2 yang pandai jahit utk turut serta jahit telekung...kalo upah free lg bagus..huhu

My aim untuk projek ni shud be settle before ramadan 2012 ends...
For those yg terbaca entri ni and nk turut serta...kindly leave ur comments..we will c how u can contribute to make this project happen..

With lots of love,

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

happily ever after

Alhamdulillah..akhirnye tercipta jua blog yg daku create khas untuk mengabadikan memori kisah suka duka hobi terbaru yang sgt best ini...

sewing is my new passion...actually dh start sew since primary skool lg..selalu tolong mak jahit langsir time nak raya..................itu je kesempatan yang ada untuk test skill sewing since my mum is kind of OVER PROTECTIVE MUM..hahaha..needle & thread is not allowed in all parts of the house..........................x tau la aku mak aku simpan kat mane...

bile dh kawin and ade umah sendiri...yesssssssssssssss this is my time...i need a machine which can help me with my sewing stuff..hahaha

glad to be here n continue my journey of sewing n sewing.....
hope my journey is bless by Allah swt...